CC BY-SA 4.0
Created: 7 April 2019
How Zana became wikipedian?
I become wikipedian after I found out that anyone can edit Wikipedia, but also that some themes which were my favorite, were not covered on Macedonian Wikipedia. In the period when I started editing, I spent my evenings at home, so Wikipedia became my evening pastime. Wikipedia is addictive, you know?
How popular is Wikipedia in North Macedonia?
Wikipedia is popular everywhere in the world, I think. In North Macedonia Wikipedia is one of the most visited sites. Also, students from Secondary and High schools use Wikipedia as a source while trying to read more on the school’s subjects. The popularity of Wikipedia is evident also via newspapers or portals, because the journalists use Wikipedia as a source for some of their texts.
What events you organise and other initiatives?
I am active Wikipedian from 2009, but I started to organize events from 2014. In the last 6 years, I took part, created or organized many events connected to Wikipedia, such as: several “Wiki loves…” contests, Wiki Women, Wiki Camps, edit-a-thons, Wiki Clubs, seven of them all over North Macedonia. As a president of GLAM Macedonia user group, I am involved in almost any activities held by the GLAM Macedonia members. I have to say that we work with GLAM institutions from the beginning: The State Archives of North Macedonia, City Library in Skopje, Institute for Macedonian History, several museums, Hydro-biological Institute in Ohrid and other relative institutes.
And what is the most important and interesting in Wikipedia for yourself?
The growing community, friends from all over the world, knowledge that I get while editing articles.
Your greetings to your wiki friends?
My favorite greeting to all wiki friends: Let’s make Wikipedia a place where reliable and accurate information can be read.